87 people died from vehicle crashes in Sask. in 2020, says SGI
2nd-fewest road fatalities recorded in the past 60 years

SGI says preliminary statistics show 87 people died from vehicle crashes Saskatchewan in 2020, the second fewest recorded in the past 60 years.
In 2019, 71 people died — a record low. The previous record was 73 deaths in 1951.
The 10-year average in the province from 2010 to 2019 was about 131 road fatalities per year.
Minister Responsible for SGI Don Morgan said in a release that while the roads are safer, people should not become complacent.
"Nearly all fatal collisions are preventable," Morgan said in a release.
"We all can — and must — do more. I applaud everyone who is committed to driving safely. I also want to thank law enforcement who are diligently working to reduce collision deaths and injuries by enforcing traffic laws and contributing to public awareness."
SGI reminded drivers to put their phones away, drive sober, follow the speed limit, put their seatbelts on and follow the rules of the road.
The preliminary 2020 number is based on data available from police forces and may be adjusted, SGI noted.
SGI also said the annual fatality number is subject to fluctuation because it's a relatively small statistical sample.