8 homes still without natural gas in Regina Beach
A total of 40 homes had gas disconnected after a natural gas leak caused and explosion in Regina Beach.
SaskEnergy says these homes had the most damage from last week's explosion

There are still eight homes left without gas after an explosion rocked Regina Beach last week.
A total of 40 homes had gas disconnected after a natural gas leak caused the explosion.
SaskEnergy spokesperson Dave Burdeniuk says the homes still without natural gas service, received the most structural damage.
"I don't know if we'll be able to restore service any time soon to the remaining eight homes," Burdeniuk told CBC News. However, he added that any homes that pass the SaskEnergy inspection get gas reconnected quickly.
Burdeniuk said crews are still on the ground in the beach community surveying the area for more leaks and compromised pipes.
Crews have already mended two leaks and upgraded pipe in eight other areas.