SPIRIT program eases seniors into not driving
A new program is being developed for older drivers on P.E.I. to help them decide when to stop driving, and make preparations in advance of giving up their licence.
Olive Bryanton, coordinator at the Centre on Health & Aging at UPEI, said the SPIRIT program will encourage seniors to ask key questions about their own driving.

"For example, are you noticing any changes in your feelings about driving and in your ability to drive? Or are you nervous about going out to drive now? Are you aware of how you are judging distances? Do you have any trouble judging gaps in traffic? Are you having trouble at intersections, which is often an area. Have you had any near misses?" said Bryanton.
The program includes a booklet that will likely be distributed through highway safety offices.
Bryanton said the program is not entirely about giving up driving. She said seniors who decide they are still able to drive will be encouraged to look for certain safety features and new technologies when buying a new car, or to look at taking a refresher driving course.
The program is scheduled to start in April.