Seniors' home residents score hit with music video
A Charlottetown nursing home could score internet fame, as residents pool their talents to create music videos to post on YouTube.

The most recent, to Olivia Newton John's Let's Get Physical, features two residents duking it out to Gonna Fly Now, the theme from Rocky.
"It's a definite must-see if you like spandex, if you like leg warmers, if you like residents dressed up in 80s gear and punching each other in the boxing ring," said director Joasia Bell.
Bell and her husband volunteer once a week at Whisperwood Villa to shoot the videos. They got the idea from a nursing home in Ontario.
With Let's Get Physical complete and family members all around the world enjoying it, Bell is planning her next Whisperwood Villa project.
For mobile device users: Watch Whisperwood Villa's Let's Get Physical here