Progressive Conservative Leader Rob Lantz's salary settled
The P.E.I. Progressive Conservative Party has determined how the salary of Leader Rob Lantz will be paid.
Lantz salary will be paid from party fundraising
The P.E.I. Progressive Conservative Party has determined how the salary of Leader Rob Lantz will be paid.
Lantz will receive an annual salary of $75,000, paid entirely by the party's political fundraising, with no money coming from the taxpayer-funded budget for the official opposition.
Over the last four years, the party has raised an average of $238,278 a year.
Lantz, who won the party leadership in February, lost his bid for a seat in District 13, Charlottetown-Brighton in the May 4 election. After a judicial recount the margin was just 22 votes.
Had Lantz been elected, he would have been entitled to a $116,743 salary paid for by the taxpayer.
Lantz has said he will stay on as PC leader, directing the party from outside the legislature.