Health PEI applauds IUD recommendation from national pediatric society
'Just having them as a backing and having them there saying that this is OK, is pretty huge'

Health PEI says a recent endorsement of intrauterine devices (IUDs) for teens by the Canadian Paediatric Society is welcome news.
Officials with the province say IUDs have been recommended as an option to sexually active teens for years, but the manager of the Women's Wellness Program and sexual health services with Health PEI says the society's endorsement is a welcome boost.
"It's kind of a backing, it's the pediatric society, they are there for young people, just having them as a backing and having them there saying this is OK, it's pretty huge, we're absolutely delighted," said Rachelle Pike.
The society called IUDs the most effective form of contraception, and would like to see them more widely offered to young people.
One of several options discussed with teens
Pike said clinicians will always discuss a range of birth-control options with clients, and that IUDs may not be the best choice for everyone. However she said it can be a very good option, and doesn't require daily planning and attention.
"It's the most effective and it's there for three to five years depending on type chosen so you really don't have to think about it.… It's there, it's in, and it's protective against pregnancy," Pike said.

She says clinicians always reinforce the importance of using condoms as well, to protect against sexually transmitted infections.
Teens seeking advice or assistance with birth control can do so through their family doctor or through one of the Island's sexual-health clinics.
Popularity and perceptions evolving
There are two types of intrauterine devices available on P.E.I. — a copper IUD, which is also available as an emergency contraceptive, and an IUS (intrauterine system), which has a hormonal component.
Pike says use of intrauterine devices, for teens, women and trans men in the province has doubled in recent years. And she says perceptions of this type of birth control continue to evolve.
"I can remember there was a time, probably our mothers, there was probably some bad experiences around IUDs and that may be still out there in the public," Pike said.
"I think it's important to know now that IUDs are very effective and it's safe."
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With files from Jessica Doria-Brown