Who is running for city council in Summerside
Here are the candidates running in Summerside's eight wards

In the last four municipal elections, Summerside had over 10,000 registered voters across the city.
As with past municipal elections in this city, Summerside has eight wards and voters will choose one councillor in each ward to make up city council.
Here are the candidates registered with Elections P.E.I. to run for council in Summerside for the 2018 election on Nov. 5.
- Ward 1 — St. Eleanors-Bayview
- Ward 2 — St. Eleanors-Slemon Park
- Ward 3 — Summerside-North
- Ward 4 — Clifton-Market
- Ward 5 — Hillcrest-Platte River
- Ward 6 — Centre East-Downtown
- Ward 7 — Green Shore-Three Oaks
- Ward 8 — Wilmot
Ward 1 — St. Eleanors-Bayview
Bruce MacDougall

Bruce MacDougall is the incumbent for Ward 1.
Why are you running for council?
To ensure the residents of Ward 1 have a strong voice around the council chamber.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Ditch infilling and holding the line on taxes.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
We have an increasing need for sidewalks on McGee, Glenn and West Drives.
Paul Kelly

Why are you running for council?
I would like to give the residents of Ward 1 a new choice and a new voice to represent them and their concerns at the council table.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
One of my concerns is that our part of the city does not seem to receive the same level of service that other parts of the city receive.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
One of the things I would like to see change is some repairs to our parks, sports fields and community centre, these things are over 25 years old and have had very little maintenance done to them over this period of time.
Ward 2 — St. Eleanors-Slemon Park
Frank Costa, the incumbent for Ward 2, is not re-offering.
Garnet Gibson

Why are you running for council?
I have been very active in volunteer organizations within the city for many years and wanted to be on council to be involved directly in the decisions that council makes that affects all residents.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
In my door-to-door visits one of the biggest issues has been the traffic flow along the Pope Road. There are concerns about the intersections at Central Street, Greenwood Drive and South Drive. Changes need to be implemented to make this major traffic corridor safer to access.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Increased transparency of council with all residents not just Ward 2 but the whole city as decisions that are made affect us all.
Justin Doiron

Why are you running for council?
I want to be a part of the vision and implementation involved in evolving Summerside into the next four years and beyond. There's something very encouraging about the direction that Summerside has taken over the last few years and I want to be directly involved in that.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
My number one concern in Ward 2 is traffic and the safety concerns associated with it. Speeding and lack of sidewalks in countless areas and dangerous intersections, namely at Pope Road and Central Street.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
I'd like to see a clear and concise plan about what the city wants to do with customers currently within city limits but who are Maritime Electric customers. Ward 2 is especially connected with this issue because of its geography. There are many people on Maritime Electric here, funding city power.
Katharina Marie Mueller

Why are you running for council?
My reason for running is simple, my goal in life has been surrounded around making life easier for others. I want to give back to the community of Summerside because this community has given my family and me so much. I cannot think of a better way than to serve as a city councillor.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Affordable housing.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Intersection on Pope Street and Central Street.
Ward 3 — Summerside-North
Barb Ramsay

Why are you running for council?
I am running for council in Ward 3 because I believe it is time for a change. I would like to be the voice for Ward 3 as they have not had a representative who has lived in their area for many years.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
My number one concern for Ward 3 is affordable housing for seniors and young families.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
I would like to see quarterly meeting for Ward 3 to allow residents to voice their concerns. I believe there should be better communication and more transparency.
Doreen Percy

Why are you running for council?
My passion for caring and helping others is the reason that I am running for council. It has been an absolute pleasure meeting people in their homes and listening to their concerns. As a councillor, I would be in a position to be of support to them. I derive great satisfaction in helping others, so serving as councillor would be a very rewarding experience.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Due to the demographics of the ward being rental properties, apartments, private dwellings and senior's housing, the availability and afford ability of housing for families and in particular senior citizens is of concern to them.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
If elected, I would like to address in a timely manner the current issues of residents. This could be accomplished by organizing a bi-annual open town hall meeting for the ward. It is of utter importance that residents have a regular opportunity to become engaged with each other and with their councillor.
Gordie Whitlock

Gordie Whitlock is the incumbent for Ward 3.
Why are you running for council?
To bring the concerns of the residents to council, to bring needed infrastructure projects into the ward and to help guide the decision-making process for the city as a whole.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
I believe that every resident in Ward 3 deserves a sidewalk on their street to safely access their neighbourhood.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Improved public transportation.
Ward 4 — Clifton-Market
Brent Gallant, the incumbent for this ward, is running for mayor.
Cory Snow

Why are you running for council?
I have decided to run for council to help the residents of Ward 4 address issues that they feel are of a concern to them. I work daily with youth and their families and want to bring my experience of helping others to make Ward 4 and Summerside a better place for all to live and raise a family.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
The number one concern in our ward and in Summerside would be the need for affordable housing for seniors and families. People are struggling and this is a issue that needs immediate action.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
There has been a wide range of concerns discussed while canvassing Ward 4 and talking with residents. One issue that has continued to be discussed is speeding throughout the ward. We have three schools, two youth facilities and a recreation facility in and surrounding our ward. Safety is so important.
David Griffin

Why are you running for council?
I am very passionate about this city. A new vision, open communication with residents.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Lack of communication with residents.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Have quarterly town hall meeting.
Murray Morison
Why are you running for council?
To make a difference. To be a young fresh set of eyes in council for the people of Summerside.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
The safety of the people. Bus shelters for the transit users.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Put a stop sign up by Duke and Notre Dame as safety is a huge issue that affects us all.
Peter Holman
Why are you running for council?
I have municipal experience having been a councillor from 2010 to 2014. I was on the board of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. I have established connections from coast to coast to coast. With my experience I will be able to commence work immediately on behalf of the residents.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Affordable housing for low income families as well as senior housing.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Lobby to reduce taxes and utilities within the city.
Robert Burt

Why are you running for council?
To work with council to better the lives of our residents.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
The biggest concern I heard at the door was speeding in school zones.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Make sure residents are better informed.
Ward 5 — Hillcrest-Platte River
Barb Gallant

Why are you running for council?
Previous community involvement as legion president got me interested in my city affairs.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Dangerous intersection on one of our main streets needs to be addressed.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
To work with mayor and council to put legislation in place to protect trailer park residents.
Greg Campbell
Greg Campbell is the incumbent for Ward 5.

Why are you running for council?
I have the time and experience and would like to contribute to my ward.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Traffic flow.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Demolish the old Holland College on Ryan Street.
Jim Steele
Why are you running for council?
I would like to see more communication with residents from council. The people need to be able to respect what council has to say and the only way to accomplish that is to sit down with them and really listen to their concerns and take what they say into account. They need to know their input is valid and wanted.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Number one concern in Ward 5 that I have heard while out canvassing is the high hydro bills and the future for our hydro electric plant as it pertains to the cost of those bills in the future. Generators for the plant are very expensive and more needs to be done to be more sustainable.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
This ward has a lot of traffic because of the malls that are located here. Speeding, and generally not abiding by the rules of the road (driving through stop signs as one example), has been a big issue and certainly hasn't gotten any better over the last few years.
Ward 6 — Centre East-Downtown
Glenna Lohnes

Why are you running for council?
I feel that city council could play a greater role to avert some serious looming crises. New faces on council bring fresh perspectives. I am running for council in Ward 6 because I want to use my skills to bring the city's residents and council together to work toward solutions that benefit all.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
All residents should have housing that they can afford, but also live in a home that they can be proud of. As the cost of living rises and housing availability shrinks this is a problem for a growing number of our residents. Council can help by modernizing bylaws and being open to new solutions.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Municipal government should be grassroots democracy at its best. As councillor I will visit every household in my ward at least twice a year. I will list all resident's concerns, report back on progress and ensure that residents are aware of council meetings at which their concerns will be discussed.
Joseph Peters
Why are you running for council?
I retired after 37 years serving the citizens on the police force and wish to continue serving in a different capacity.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Economic development in the downtown core.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
I will be transparent and accessible to the citizens and be a strong voice at the council table.
Norma McColeman

Norma McColeman is the incumbent for Ward 6.
Why are you running for council?
As a resident of Ward 6 for nearly 40 years, I am a positive influence and advocate for the seaside/boardwalk assets and heritage legacy that is Summerside's unique identity. I want to continue to work on making Summerside an attractive and affordable place to build a future, to live, work and enjoy a good quality of life! I believe my sincere dedication for Summerside and its residents is a quality that provides accountability and a balanced approach on decision making and being fiscally responsible on council.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
A kitchen table stressful issue I've heard from residents is affordable housing. Seniors, couples and single parents with limited income or fixed pensions or working poor are spending a high percentage on rent, or cannot afford better living suitable facilities they need. Many are struggling to have a quality of life. Many are just barely covering their rent without much left over for groceries, medicine, transportation and family needs, let alone anything for enjoyment.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
I would like to continue to work on downtown core revitalization to promote more people living and working in this Ward 6 core with affordable good quality housing units built to assist residents in our "Age Friendly City." As well, we would have a downtown grocery store back in this area as people really miss the one that closed in the summer 2018.
Ward 7 — Green Shore-Three Oaks
Brian McFeely
Brian McFeely is the incumbent. As he is the only candidate registered, he will be acclaimed as councillor for Ward 7.
Why are you running for council?
Seeking a second term to continue the work of improving the city from several perspectives.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Speeding and traffic control.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
An individual councillor does not have the ability to change anything on their own. I would work with council to increase the ditch infilling budget.
Ward 8 — Wilmot
Carrie Adams

Why are you running for council?
I am running for council in hopes of bringing a new voice to council for our residents. We are an ever changing and growing city. We need a revitalized council with fresh ideas and goals for the successful future of Summerside. Collaboratively working together on issues will ensure our success.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Transparency between our area of the city and council is lacking. We need to be made aware of what the future plans are for our area and for our residents. We need to be consulted on future projects and requirements for our area of Summerside.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
Our ward is the gateway to Summerside. We need to ensure that this welcoming feeling starts as soon as people cross the red bridge. Lighting and other infrastructure needs to be upgraded to ensure that people entering our city realize that as soon as they come into Wilmot they are in Summerside.
Tyler DesRoches

Tyler DesRoches is the incumbent for Ward 8.
Why are you running for council?
I believe I can make Summerside a better place for all residents.
What is your number one concern in your ward?
Rising utility and tax rates.
What is the one thing you would change in your ward?
To give youth and children more options to get them off the streets through parks and play structures.