Wind gusts over 100 km/h expected over much of P.E.I. in coming storm
Storm could disrupt holiday travel plans

A storm forecast to land on P.E.I. Friday afternoon will bring wind gusts between 95 and 115 km/h and heavy rains.
In addition to the winds the forecast is calling for 10 to 25 millimetres of rain.
"While this will be mainly a wind and rain event, areas up west may see some wet snow and ice pellets mixing in late morning and early afternoon before changing to rain," said CBC meteorologist Ryan Snoddon.
Rain is forecast to start in the mid-afternoon.
The winds will increase throughout the day, blowing out of the southeast. Peak gusts will hit between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. While the rain will pass, wind gusts between 50 and 60 km/h can be expected for most of Christmas Eve.
The weather has the potential to disrupt travel plans Friday evening and Christmas Eve morning. Power outages are possible, and there is the potential for a storm surge during the high tide on Saturday.
"That's a lot of wind and it could bring down already weakened trees, and cause power outages," P.E.I.'s provincial government warned in a tweet on Thursday.
"You know the drill. Be prepared."
This is the same storm that is forecast to strike Ontario today, but a milder version. In Ontario the precipitation is forecast to be snow, and blizzard conditions are expected.