Pride flag cut down from Cornwall, P.E.I., food truck
'We were really shocked to see that this morning but definitely not surprised'

A pride flag was cut down from the Holy Fox food truck in Cornwall, P.E.I., sometime between Thursday night and Friday morning.
Paige Hart, co-owner of the food truck with her partner Christine, said she came into work Friday and noticed something had happened to the flag.
Originally she thought the flag had somehow ripped, but upon closer inspection, it seemed to her and Christine that the flag had been deliberately cut with scissors or a knife. Hart said it's the first time any incident like this has happened at the food truck.
"Cornwall has been really great to us, so we were really shocked to see that this morning but definitely not surprised," Hart said.
Hart said the timing of the incident is particularly unfortunate as the P.E.I. Pride Festival begins on Sunday.
Holy Fox has been in Cornwall since October.
'It's just all about love'
Hart and her partner are engaged and are waiting until COVID-19 restrictions ease to have a wedding.
"It's definitely a point for us to raise the flag," said Hart. "Just [to] have people aware that … you can be in society and participate in Pride and be yourself.
We're happy to fly as many flags as we can get our hands on.— Paige Hart
"It's just all about love and loving who you are and who the next person beside you loves, and we're all human and we should all be worthy of love."
Hart said she replaced the cut flag with an even larger Pride flag. She said Pride P.E.I. also reached out to her and Christine and gave them another Pride flag.
"We're happy to fly as many flags as we can get our hands on," Hart said.
Hart said she's received a lot of support on social media after the incident and from locals dropping by the food truck to "make sure that we're OK."
According to a post on the food truck's Facebook page, the vandal was caught on camera, and Hart and her partner will be handing the footage to RCMP on Monday.
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With files from Kirk Pennell