Too hot for the horses: Heat cancels some Old Home Week events on P.E.I.
Pony rides postponed due to heat warning
Old Home Week is back after being cancelled last year due to COVID-19. But heat and humidity on P.E.I. is putting a damper on some of this year's fun.
A petting zoo, as well as pony and horse wagon rides, had to be cancelled Friday and Saturday because it was too hot for the animals.
Temperatures in the province were expected to reach 30 C on Saturday with humidex values much higher.
The heat didn't stop all the fun though. A P.E.I. line dance group found some shade under a tree and sweated it out, teaching dozens of people how to move with the music.

"We love to dance," said Margot Postma of Those Line Dancers.
She said the crew has been to Cavendish Beach Music Festival in past years performing in similar weather.
"We dance everywhere and anywhere we can," Postma said. "We're used to dancing in extreme heat and on the grass and in the dirt and in the rain and in the mud."

Though animal events were put on hold Saturday, several events continued such as live music and painting tutorials.
Organizers posted about the cancellations on social media. In the post organizers said they hope petting zoos and pony rides will make a return Sunday if the weather cools down a bit.
Old Home Week is being presented as Country Days this year — with events scattered throughout Charlottetown. The Eastlink Centre, where Old Home Week traditionally takes place, is being used as a COVID-19 vaccine clinic.
Old Home Week runs until Aug. 21.