COVID outbreak closes ER at Kings County Memorial Hospital
Visitors also being limited for patients at hospital in Montague

A COVID-19 outbreak has led officials to close the emergency department at Kings County Memorial Hospital in Montague.
A statement from the province late Friday afternoon said the closure was effective immediately and would last for at least the rest of the evening.
"The closure of the KCMH Emergency Department is necessary to limit the number of people who attend the hospital, as the hospital cannot admit new patients while in an outbreak," the statement quoted Health P.E.I. chief operating officer Corinne Rowswell as saying.
While the outbreak lasts, visitors are being restricted to one partner-in-care per patient at the hospital.
The same limit on visitors applies for residents at Beach Grove Home, Margaret Stewart Ellis Home, Colville Manor and Wedgewood Manor because of previously known outbreaks.
The Montague hospital emergency department is expected to reopen Saturday at 8 a.m., the statement said.
In the meantime, Islanders needing medical care are being told to call 911 if symptoms are serious, and 811 for general medical information.