Compton says 'there is still work to be done,' after meeting with status of women counterparts
'We are not there yet and we need to continue the good work that is being done'

P.E.I.'s minister responsible for the status of women says meetings with her counterparts from other provinces last week in Victoria, B.C., were productive.
Darlene Compton said it was a good opportunity to discuss how to move forward on issues affecting Canadian women.
There was also an agreement made to develop a plan to advance gender equality across the nation, she said.
Compton said society has not come far enough when it comes to dealing with gender violence.
"We hear it every day, issues regarding violence, and we are not there yet and we need to continue the good work that is being done," she said.
However, Compton said she feels there has been some progress made over the last 30 years.
"But day-to-day issues, there is still work to be done," she said.
'Really get things done'
Compton said some work to advance gender equality has already begun here on P.E.I.
Last month the province announced Women's Network P.E.I., the P.E.I. Coalition for Women in Government, East Prince Women's Information Centre and Justice Options for Women will each receive $20,000 in annual operating funding for three years.
The money comes from the Interministerial Women's Secretariat, which provides funding for community organizations that support awareness and prevention of violence toward women.
"The really good thing, I think, is because the Island is small, we realize how we can really get things done," she said.
"We have a good relationship with all of the women's groups on P.E.I. and we're able to address the issues they face."