4 more stores to host liquor outlets in rural P.E.I.

The P.E.I. Liquor Control Commission has approved four new liquor agency stores for locations in rural parts of the province, bringing the total number of agency stores to 12.

There will soon be 12 agency stores in addition to 18 corporate liquor stores on P.E.I.

Wooden shelving unit containing rows of different kinds of alcohol.
The new locations will be stocked with at least 200 products — a mix of spirits, wine and beer. (CBC News)

The P.E.I. Liquor Control Commission has approved four new liquor agency stores for locations in rural parts of the province, bringing the total number of agency stores on the Island to 12.

The Island already has eight agency stores in Wood Islands, Murray Harbour, Morell, Kinkora, Eldon, East Royalty, Wellington and Cavendish, along with 18 corporate stores. The addition of four more stores will bring P.E.I.'s total to 30.

The newly approved stores are:

  • Elliott's General Store in Bothwell.
  • C&T Convenience & Laundromat in Crapaud.
  • Clow's Red and White in North Wiltshire.
  • Oyster Bed Esso in Oyster Bed.

A request for proposals went out earlier this year, asking interested retailers to apply.

A number of factors were considered when deciding which locations would be best suited for agency stores, said Heather Rossiter, director of corporate affairs and regulatory services for the P.E.I. Liquor Control Commission.

The P.E.I. Liquor Control Commission also has 18 corporate retail stores. (Tony Davis/CBC)

"We look at things like the location, what the premises look like, the interior and the exterior … where the retail will be set up, what kind of warehousing space [there is]," said Rossiter.

"We also look at financial factors of the business, what kind of business development there will be. And not only do we look at what's provided in the response, but we also do site visits."

Rossiter said they also consider the impact an agency store might have on a nearby P.E.I. Liquor Control Commission corporate retail store.

The new locations will be stocked with at least 200 products —  a mix of spirits, wine and beer.

The target date to start selling liquor at the new agency stores is Oct. 7, but some stores may require renovations that might delay opening on that date.