$112M going to infrastructure projects on P.E.I.
Ottawa, P.E.I. have approved 23 community infrastructure projects to date

Islanders can expect to see improvements to water and public transit systems after the federal government announced a bilateral funding agreement totaling $112 million for P.E.I. infrastructure projects.
Under the agreement, the federal government provides 50 per cent of the funding while the remaining 50 per cent is divided between the province and municipalities, according to a news release sent out Wednesday.
The funding and projects are part of the federal government's Clean Water and Wastewater, and Public Transit Infrastructure Funds. Wednesday's announcement and funding agreement is the first phase of the 10-year federal government plan.
23 projects to date
Ottawa and P.E.I. have approved 23 community infrastructure projects to date, with additional projects to be prioritized in the coming months.
Of the 23 projects, 20 are slated to rehabilitate and improve P.E.I.'s community water and wastewater systems, including $1.1 million for Tignish sewage treatment plant upgrades and $1.8 million for the Fitzroy sewer lift station replacement project in Charlottetown.
When it comes to transit, $772,713 has been allocated for upgrades to buses in Charlottetown, Cornwall and Stratford; and $207,388 for upgrades to paratransit vans in Charlottetown, O'Leary, Tignish and Alberton.
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