Prices up for P.E.I. lobster compared to last year's fall season
Fishermen are getting $5.50 for market lobster, up from $4.50

Fishermen on Prince Edward Island are getting better prices for lobster than last year's fall season, according to the vice president of the Prince County Fishermen's Association.
This year fishermen are getting $5 for canner lobster and $5.50 for market — last year those prices were $4.25 for canners and $4.50 for market, said Shelton Barlow.
Barlow, who fishes out of Howard's Cove near Freeland, P.E.I., said catches are also looking good.
"The landings run around, I don't know, two pounds a trap, a little less," Barlow said. That is about two to three lobsters per trap, he said.
"Everybody seems to be quite pleased so far," he said.
Barlow said he couldn't predict if this season will be better than the last because it runs until Oct. 10, but he said so far lobster catches are at least on par with last year.
He said lobster left at the end of last season that were too small have shed and that is giving fishermen a good crop of lobster this season.
"Last year when we stopped, there was a lot of small ones. Now they seemed like they shed and they are getting to a very good quality now," Barlow said.