Island firefighters rescue dog from rock ledge
Kayaker heard dog barking, says deputy fire chief
North River firefighters rescued a dog named Cesar who was stranded on a rock ledge in Cumberland, P.E.I., on Tuesday afternoon.
Deputy Chief Dean Smith says a kayaker first spotted the dog in distress shortly after noon.
"He could hear the dog howling, so he came a little closer to shore. And then he heard the dog barking, so he went in the direction of the bark and sure enough there was a dog probably down about 12 feet from the bank. And he was on a nice little ledge there," Smith said.
Rappelled down
The dog got himself down and couldn't get back back up, Smith said. Firefighters made a makeshift harness, he said, and a firefighter rappelled down onto the ledge and brought him back up.
Cesar is now reunited with his owners, who had been looking for him, and are extremely grateful to the firefighters, Smith said.

Cesar is tired from his ordeal, but very content, he said.
Cesar's owners said they are excited to have him home, and plan to make a donation to the fire department.