Love to sing? Cornwall Community Choir looking for members

A new choir in Cornwall, P.E.I. is looking for members.

Choir is open to singers with any level of experience

The Cornwall Community Choir is looking for singers. (Dan Kitwood/Getty)

A new choir in Cornwall, P.E.I., is looking for members.

The 23-member Cornwall Community Choir launched in the fall, and would like to grow.

"We just would like people who love to sing to come and join us," said choir organizer Ellie Reddin.

"No need to be able to read music, no need to have sung in a choir before."

The choir sings a broad range of repertoire, from traditional choral works to early 20th-century favourites to more recent pop tunes.

The group practices at West River United Church Wednesday afternoons.

In addition to new members, the choir is also looking for opportunities to perform locally. Reddin said they would be particularly interested in singing at nursing homes.

With files from Mainstreet P.E.I.