Home-based child care spots increased as government amends legislation
The changes include an increase in the number of children home-based child care-centres can supervise

The government passed amendments to the child-care legislation on Wednesday to again allow home-based child-care providers to care for more young children.
After many operators said the restrictions were "too tough" and wait lists for child care grew, the government has moved to allow more infants and school-aged children to be cared for at unlicensed home daycares.
The amendment proposes the following changes:
- Home-based child-care providers would be authorized to care for up to five children including two infants, six children with no infants, or seven school-aged children before requiring a license.
- Children eligible to attend school within three months could enrol in programs for either preschool or school-aged children, easing their transition to kindergarten.
- Licensing requirements would be clarified for single-purpose programs such as hockey camps where the purpose is not child care.
Jordan Brown, the education, early learning and culture minister, said in a press release that parents want to be able to choose between unlicensed home-based child care and larger licensed centres.
"These amendments respond to concerns from parents and child-care operators who feel the new act is too restrictive in some areas," Brown said. "The amendments add flexibility in the age and number of children that operators can care for before requiring a license — which in turn, would make their businesses more viable and create more options for families."
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