Does Charlottetown need another roundabout? Your comments
'Being promised for years, get on with it'

The Belvedere, St. Peters and Brackley Point intersection has been a contentious spot for a number of years with many calling for a roundabout to replace the Y-shaped intersection.
Recently, Charlottetown mayor Philip Brown said he hopes the city is successful in its third attempt in applying for provincial and federal funding for a roundabout there.
And many Islanders weighed in on CBC Prince Edward Island's Facebook page in response to Monday's story.
Here's what you had to say.
(Please note that usernames are not necessarily the names of commenters. Some comments have been altered to correct spelling and to conform to CBC style.)
'Absolutely, I can't wait for the roundabout'
"A roundabout would make more sense here," said Jennifer Robertson.
"The next one should be that weird, weird, weird crossroads in front of A1 Vacuum. I'm never sure what to do there."
Most commenters were in line with Robertson, saying that this particular intersection is in dire need of a roundabout.
"Absolutely, I can't wait for the roundabout," Kathy Cudmore said. "This is probably one of the worst intersections in the city."
Craig MacDonald added, "that's the only intersection that should have one" and Tim Gormley agreed: "I was thinking the same thing. If there was ever an intersection that needed one."
Blaine Sonny Curran said this has been something "being promised for years" and for government to "get on with it."
'Nobody uses them correctly'
Some commenters weren't fans of a roundabout for that intersection. While some disagreed with the idea for a roundabout entirely, some said the roundabout would be a nice addition to the city — if people use it properly.
"Roundabouts would have been a great idea, but nobody uses them correctly," Louie Darrach said.
"Every one, from Maypoint and into town, always has traffic backed up in two directions because people refuse to drive correctly."
Sharyn McCormack echoed what Darrach said.
"I love the idea of roundabouts when they are used properly. But, unfortunately, a lot of people don't know how to yield into them," she said.
Ian Smith said "no way" to a roundabout there. "The back up traffic at Mount Edward intersection would be huge," he said.
Other commenters felt the intersection was fine as is.
"I use it twice each weekday and I am fine with it as it is," said Sandi Gallant.