Partially constructed fence a safety hazard, says Alberton mayor
'We don't want anybody to get hurt'

The Town of Alberton, P.E.I. has asked the committee in charge of the local walking track to take down six fence posts for safety reasons.
Mayor David Gordon said the posts, made of four-by-fours and about two metres tall, are a safety hazard. There are three posts at each end of the track.
They were installed for fences that were meant to protect the track and some young trees that have been planted.
The early arrival of winter weather put a stop to construction.
"I had a couple of residents approach me because there's a lot of Ski-Doos that go through that area," said Gordon.
"The more snow we get the harder these posts are going to be to see. We don't want anybody to get hurt."
The track is on town land, and they're just being cautious, said Gordon.
The walking track committee has agreed to take the posts down on Saturday, he said, adding they can put them back up in the spring.
CBC News contacted committee members, but they declined to comment.
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With files from Laura Chapin