
P.E.I. set to respond to Syrian refugee crisis

The P.E.I government says it's prepared to work with the federal government to accept an increase in refugees moving to the Island.

Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Richard Brown says P.E.I. owes it to refugees to assist

Richard Brown seeks action on refugee crisis

10 years ago
Duration 3:26
P.E.I.'s Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Richard Brown says both the province and the country need to step up efforts to help more refugees come to Canada.

The P.E.I government says it's prepared to work with the federal government to accept an increase in refugees moving to the Island.

The province already has an informal agreement with the federal government to accept 40 government-assisted refugees per year.

That number has been reached for 2015 but Workforce and Advanced Learning Minister Richard Brown says three more refugees are scheduled to arrive soon.

He says the numbers of refugees arriving on P.E.I. will surpass expectations as governments and community sponsors respond to the crisis emerging from Syria.

"There is a lot of people looking for peace and security in our country and we owe it to the people of the Middle East to assist," said Brown.

"We have to step up as a province. We have to step up as a country."

He says the provincial and territorial ministers in charge of immigration will discuss the growing refugee crisis in a conference call Thursday.

Brown says he is also asking for a full meeting of the ministers to ensure a co-ordinated approach.

In addition to government-sponsored refugees, private organizations such as churches and community groups are able to sponsor refugees coming to Canada.