P.E.I. RCMP among the thousands set to attend Moncton funeral
A cross-section of representation from all three detachments on the Island will attend the service

Police officers from across North America will attend Tuesday's regimental funeral service for the three Mounties killed in Moncton last week.
A steady stream of people made their way to the Wesleyan Celebration Centre in Moncton, N.B., on Monday as public visitation began for three RCMP officers who were gunned down in the line of duty on Wednesday.
The funeral service for the three Mounties is scheduled for 1 p.m. AT at the Moncton Coliseum, following a procession.
For security purposes the RCMP on P.E.I. will not reveal the exact number of people from the Island attending the funeral in Moncton tomorrow.
They say there will be a cross-section of representation from all three detachments on the Island.
About 10 officers from the Summerside police department will be going and 24 from Charlottetown's department.
However an estimated 7,000 RCMP and first responders from across North America are expected in the city to pay their respects.
The deputy chief of the Charlottetown department notes that even though 24 officers will be in New Brunswick, there will still be a full complement of officers on duty in the city.
On Monday in Moncton, people started to arrive around lunch hour, even before the doors opened, waiting in line on the front steps under the sweltering sun to pay their respects to families of Const. Fabrice Georges Gevaudan, Const. Dave Joseph Ross and Const. Douglas James Larche.
The City of Moncton will shut down bus service and close several streets on Tuesday to help with the logistics of the funeral.