Organic farmers say time is right to work with big grocery stores
Big chains are looking local and organic, thanks to customer interest

Organic farmers from Atlantic Canada shared tips Wednesday on how to start selling to the big grocery chains.
That was one of the hot topics at the annual ACORN conference in Charlottetown, for the Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network. The conference ended Wednesday.
Krista Schurman has been selling her produce to Sobeys for 14 years, and says it's a perfect time for local organic farmers to open those doors.

"People are really wanting to make a connection with the farms, the grocery store wants to make a connection with the farmer," said Kensington's Schurman.
"The marketing with the grocery stores has shown that, that they really are wanting to promote and put it out there that these are great farms, these are great people, so it's going to be great as a whole, even organic and the whole local movement."
The annual ACORN conference is a chance for farmers to learn about new farming techniques as well as marketing.