MADD gives P.E.I. a C-, up from a D last year
MADD would like to see impaired drivers have vehicles impounded
Prince Edward Island will need to make big improvements to its impaired driving laws in order to significantly improve its grades from MADD Canada.

P.E.I.'s grade got marginally better this year, moving to a C- from a D last year.
MADD Canada president Andrew Murie said C- will be the limit without some large improvements, and he has one suggestion in particular.
"Vehicle impoundments for people that are at the warn range, which people in British Columbia and Alberta experienced," he said.
"That's led to a 54 per cent reduction in alcohol-related deaths in British Columbia."
Murie said it's clear people respond to the threat of impounded vehicles, particularly young people driving their parents' vehicles.
B.C. impounds the car and suspends people's licence for three days when blood alcohol reading show .05 mg/100 ml.
Murie would like to see P.E.I. match its seven-day licence suspension with vehicle impoundment for the same length of time.