Bus use collapsing in Cornwall
Month over month numbers down since February
The latest numbers on bus use in Cornwall, P.E.I. draw a disturbing picture for the town council.
Usage numbers up to the end of September were tabled at Wednesday's council meeting, and they show the daily average ridership dropped in every month this year except for January when compared to 2011. There were signs of trouble in 2011 as well, when ridership was down in seven months out of 12.
The service was launched in the summer of 2008, and appears to have hit a peak in 2010.
Mayor Barney Fullerton said he's not against transit, but he is against wasting taxpayers' money. In 2012 Cornwall paid $80,000 for the service.
Coun. Peter Meggs, a regular rider on the bus, said more should be done to promote the service.
"I'd like to see anything happen in Cornwall that would make people aware of the fact we've got a good transit system," said Meggs.
While supportive of transit, Coun. Marlene Hunt believes the problem runs deeper. Hunt said council needs to invest more money into the service.
"If we had more runs, which would cost more money, then it's more convenient, and then people might take it more," she said.
"The runs we have now are very minimal, and so I think people think 'Oh, we can't get back home.' Especially the seniors."
Transit could see improvement in October, which has typically been a strong month for the service.
For mobile device users: Can the bus service in Cornwall survive?
To see the monthly trends of average daily number of riders over the last three years, hover your mouse over the chart.