Ottawa reacts to idea of paid public bathrooms at LRT stations
Some European countries feature paid public bathrooms with successes and failures

What would you think about having to pay to use public toilets at transit stations in Ottawa? <a href=""></a>
Those with a chronic illness argue against it.
<a href="">@RobynBresnahan</a> I have Crohn's disease and some times I don't have time to stop and pay!!!! When you gotta go you gotta go.
Some who have seen the idea in action would rather access a public bathroom for free.
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> after having been to London and Paris, as a tourist, and dealing with this aggravation, this should be a free service in Ottawa
The response to the idea was quite negative, all in all.
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> I hate this idea so much I will literally pee on the outside of the door in protest.
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> Absolutely ridiculous. I can imagine how people will behave if it happens.
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> cheaper to let people pee for free than to clean up after the ones who cant or wont. Probably a bad revenue "stream"
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> does #2 cost extra?
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> What do I think about a classist violation of human rights? HMMMM
<a href="">@robynbresnahan</a> unless they put in a debit machine, it'll be a fail... who walks around with pocket change to use a toilet?
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> <a href="">@RobynBresnahan</a> if they're going to charge me to pee, they'd better lower my bus fare to compensate
There were defenders, though, including those who have seen successes.
<a href="">@CBCOttawa</a> it's no different than buying a drink at timmies to use the bathroom.
<a href="">@RobynBresnahan</a> I pay when I go to Europe,use to pay when i was a kid in Toronto...10 cents!
.<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> these self-cleaning toilets in Berlin are outstanding! Public. Full wash down after every use. <a href=""></a>
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> Pay toilets: Germany has them. Always safe and clean, with an employee on site to keep it tidy. I love the idea for LRT.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> of course we should pay for public toilets. Remember when we paid in department stores. They always had helpful attendants
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> Presto card uses NFC tech which is built into most smartphones. An app could be built to allow washroom access.
<a href="">@MrsOxleysClass</a> <a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> definitely agree. If we have to pay, they should also function using presto card, and probably credit/debit.
<a href="">@OttawaMorning</a> the best pay toilet experience was at Harrods in London cost a £ the attendant cleaned the stall after every use.