Ottawa losing sympathy for taxi drivers as protests escalate
Friday protest, damage at dispatcher's headquarters follow Thursday protest that snarled rush-hour traffic

Customers, residents, even city councillors — they've all said the ongoing protests by airport taxi drivers and their supporters in Ottawa have amounted to poor public relations.
After Thursday's rally snarled traffic during the afternoon rush hour commute, we wanted to gauge how people are reacting to the protests three months after they began. Here's a social media round-up.
Some people are able to watch from afar, and were not affected directly.
Me watching the taxi demonstrations in Ottawa. <a href=""></a>
Others said, as they have for months, that the continued unrest between the taxi drivers and their dispatcher would only push more customers to Uber.
I find it hilariously ironic that the recent actions of <a href="">#ottawataxi</a> drivers are driving more people to use <a href="">@OttawaUber</a> than ever before.
Ottawa residents can protest as well, by hiring Uber drivers instead of Taxi drivers. Spend your money wisely.
2 hours to drive home thanks to taxi protests. Should only have taken 40 mins. I'll be taking uber from now on <a href="">#otttraffic</a> <a href="">#Ottawa</a> <a href="">#ottcity</a>
You know what gains public support for taxi drivers? Holding a protest on bronson at rush hour <a href="">#ottawa</a> <a href="">#taxi</a> <a href="">#ipreferuber</a> <a href="">#goawaytaxis</a> #613
Some people questioned Ottawa's taxi monopoly, as dispatcher Coventry Connections runs nearly all taxi companies in the capital.
Can I just ask why Ottawa has/needs three or four taxi lines owned by the same company?
Many say the inconvenience, as well as a few violent incidents, have prompted public sympathy for the cabbies to wane.
I was sympathetic to <a href="">#ottawataxi</a>, then they cost me 2 hrs and possibly $30 in daycare fees. Won't be taking a taxi anytime soon!
I don't think there's much sympathy left in Ottawa for the taxi drivers at this point, given the violent incidents and bullying alone.
Easy way to solve the Ottawa taxi issue (slow-rolling protests) - stop hiring taxis. Eventually they'll go way when they run out of money.
<a href="">#ottawataxi</a> drivers in tough spot. Their livelihood is being threatened by unregulated part-timers at Uber. Still, today was a disgrace.
Will be boycotting all taxi services in Ottawa, just for making me sit in traffic for 1 + hour <a href="">#ottnews</a> <a href="">#otttraffic</a>
Undeniably, the protests have affected customers, and that's been problematic for the image of Ottawa's taxi drivers.
Taxi drivers whose beef is with their company caused havoc today on Ottawa roads and promise worse for average joes tomorrow.