Ottawa Public Health issues frostbite advisory
Tuesday's high is –12 C, but with the wind chill it will feel like –24

Ottawa Public Health has issued a frostbite advisory for the Ottawa area.
Tuesday's high is –12 C, but with the wind chill it will feel more like –24.
Ottawa Public Health issues frostbite advisories when wind chill temperatures reach –25.
Frostbite warnings occur when the wind chill reaches –35 or colder or when there are extreme weather conditions, such as a blizzard or an ice storm.
Preventing frostbite
According to Ottawa Public Health, the key to staying warm is dressing in layers. At least three layers are recommended when you're heading outside.
- The first layer, closest to the skin, should be clothing that wicks away moisture.
- The second layer should be insulating, such as a sweater or sweatshirt.
- Layer three should be an outer layer that protects against wind and moisture.
Cover as much exposed skin as possible to prevent frostbite and do not forget mittens, gloves, hats and scarves to protect against heat loss. Boots should also be warm and, preferably, waterproof.
Temperatures are expected to drop even more throughout the week, with highs in the minus 20s and wind chills in the minus 30s.