NCC wants name ideas for new Ottawa River waterfront park
There are rules that take something like Parky McParkface off the table

The National Capital Commission has big plans for a new park along the Ottawa River, but now it needs your help to name it.
The NCC's board approved a plan earlier this year to create a new park along the Ottawa River, running from Mud Lake to LeBreton Flats.
The plan for what's for now known as the Ottawa River South Shore Riverfront Park would upgrade existing trails, add new recreational facilities and better connect people to the shoreline.

The NCC is soliciting names for the park on its website until Oct. 23, but there are rules that would eliminate something like Parky McParkface from consideration.
The park has to be named after "a person of national stature who has made a substantial contribution to the building of Canada" or "a place or event with a significant historical or cultural legacy."
It can also be named after a "local or regional figure who contributed to the building of the capital."

The NCC will select a list of finalists from the submissions and its board will make the final call.
The plan for the park calls for the 2.4-kilometre section between Woodroffe Avenue and Westboro Beach to be the initial focus, with Rochester Field and Westboro Beach described as the park's "hallmark precincts."