Omar Dabaghi-Pacheco
Reporter, producer and news anchor
Omar Dabaghi-Pacheco likes to chase the people behind the stories. His pursuit of documentary storytelling has taken him across Canada and to remote areas in Africa. In his off time, you'll find him engaging in extreme sports around the globe. You can reach Omar at omar.dabaghi-pacheco@cbc.ca.
Latest from Omar Dabaghi-Pacheco

The human side of Ottawa's fentanyl crisis
A toxic drug supply. Increasing overdoses. A lack of support and housing. This is the human side of Ottawa's fentanyl crisis.
Canada -Ottawa |

Renfrew County's virtual pandemic project might be short-term fix for family doctor shortage
When it comes to Ontario’s family doctor shortage, the paramedic chief in Renfrew County thinks he's found a cure with a hybrid model of care.
Canada -Ottawa |

A day in the life of a family doctor
CBC Ottawa followed an experienced family doctor for a day to learn about a typical day.
Canada -Ottawa |

Peer support network helping overwhelmed parents through pandemic
The Village Project is a peer-support network created by parents who are aware of the challenges a new baby can bring, including postpartum depression and anxiety.
Canada -Ottawa |

Food banks a critical source of help for ODSP recipients
Ontario Disability Support Program recipients say the program is no longer able to meet their basic living expenses, increasing their reliance on food banks for survival.
Canada -Ottawa |

ODSP rules leave Rockland man with 'impossible decision'
A Rockland, Ont., man says Ontario Disability Support Program rules are forcing him to choose between taking care of his daughter and being financially independent.
Canada -Ottawa |

Downtown condo residents left 'vulnerable' after Canada Post key stolen
A group of Ottawa condominium directors is blaming Canada Post for having antiquated mail delivery policies after a 'master key' that unlocks several downtown residential buildings ended up in the hands of thieves.
Canada -Ottawa |

Pandemic brings pot shops, bike couriers together — but what happens when it ends?
A team of Ottawa bike couriers has found some measure of economic stability delivering cannabis during the COVID-19 pandemic, but there's uncertainty over what will happen once Ontario's emergency orders are lifted.
Canada -Ottawa |

Bike thefts spiking during COVID-19 pandemic, police warn
The force's break and enter unit says it's seen a spike in thefts from sheds, garages and the storage areas of residential buildings.
Canada -Ottawa |
Family facing eviction over noisy kids during pandemic
A family with three young children is looking for a new home after being served an eviction notice for complaints the kids were being too loud while at home during isolation.
Canada -Ottawa |