William Sandeson case heads back to court in 2018
Sandeson appealing first-degree murder conviction for killing Taylor Samson

Convicted killer William Sandeson will have to wait a long time before he can argue his case again.
Sandeson is appealing his first-degree murder conviction for killing Taylor Samson.
A justice of the Court of Appeal and a lawyer for the Crown held a conference call Wednesday morning with Sandeson, who is being held in the federal prison in Springhill, N.S.
Chief Crown attorney for appeals, Kenneth "Butch" Fiske, earlier indicated in a letter to the court that simply transcribing the evidence and arguments from Sandeson's two-month jury trial would take several more months.
Fiske said the transcript, which is expected to run to 10,000 pages, will not be complete until March 31, 2018.
Legal aid indicated it will need four months after that to decide its next moves.
The case is now scheduled to return to court Aug. 1, 2018, for a status update.