Thomas Mulcair has Halifax NDP rally set for Sunday
Mulcair the second national party boss to visit N.S. during this summer's federal election campaign

NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair will hold a rally at the World Trade and Convention Centre on Sunday.
He's the second national party boss to visit Nova Scotia during this summer's federal election campaign.
Conservative leader Stephen Harper was in Amherst on August 16.
Supporters wishing to attend that rally had to register in advance on the Conservative party website to get tickets.
The location was kept secret until the day before.
New Democrat candidate Megan Leslie is the incumbent in the riding for Halifax.
Leslie contrasts how the NDP are handling their Halifax rally, which is an open event.
"Well first and foremost, it's not a secret," she said.
Canvassing blitz will follow
"Tom's coming on Sunday and he will be at the World Trade and Convention Centre. We are asking people to RSVP so we can have numbers. But I mean you do that when you have a dinner party."
Leslie says a visit from a party leader can energize supporters and volunteers.
An NDP canvassing blitz will follow Sunday's rally, which runs from noon to 1 p.m.
"We had planned that canvassing blitz before we found out that Tom was coming to town. So what we're going to do is go to the rally and take all of that energy from the rally and go out and hit the streets," Leslie said.
All three NDP incumbents will be at Sunday's rally: Leslie, Robert Chisholm of Dartmouth-Cole Harbour and Peter Stoffer of Sackville-Preston-Chezzetcook plus candidates from other Nova Scotia ridings.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau visited Halifax on April 15, but not during the current election campaign.
A Liberal spokesperson says Justin Trudeau plans to visit Nova Scotia during the campaign, but can't confirm dates too far in advance.