Shambhala Buddhist community's queen gives birth in Halifax
Halifax is the spiritual capital for the global Shambhala community

Halifax is home to a new princess after Sakyong Wangmo Khandro Tseyang, the queen of the city's Shambhala Buddhist community, gave birth to her third baby girl.
Dzedrön Ökar Yangchen Ziji Mukpo was born last Friday at the IWK Health Centre. Her name means "Lamp of Beauty." The baby was delivered at 4:49 a.m.
"With her usual dignity and strength, Khandro Tseyang gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl," said Dr. Mitchell Levy, the family's personal physician, in a news release.
"Mother, father, and the newest addition to the Mukpo family are all doing well."
The queen and her king, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, are the holders of the Shambhala Buddhist lineage. They were married in Halifax in 2006. Halifax is the spiritual capital for the global Shambhala community.
Their two other daughters, Jetsun Drukmo and Jetsun Yudra, were born in August 2010 and March 2013.
The Shambhala Buddhist tradition has thousands of members in about 50 countries throughout the world. It takes its name from the Himalayan kingdom of Shambhala, whose residents are known for their wisdom and compassion.