Nova Scotia Health Authority begins search for new chief executive
CEO Janet Knox is retiring in August after 5 years at helm

Discussions have begun with potential candidates to head the Nova Scotia Health Authority.
The process is moving along well, says board chair Frank van Schaayk, but there could be an interim leader if a replacement for Janet Knox isn't in place by August.
Knox, the president and CEO, is retiring this summer after five years on the job.
The board has hired Montreal executive search firm Odgers Berndston to help with the process.
Earlier in the month, the board asked physicians and employees to fill out a survey, asking them to rank priorities for the health authority and list the level of experience they would expect for someone in the role.
Van Schaayk said up to 70 stakeholders have been consulted. "That's a big cross-section of people," he said.
"The profile has been written from that. It's not released yet, but it will be available shortly."

Knox, a former nurse, was the president and CEO of Annapolis Valley Health before she took on her current title. She led the health authority through the amalgamation of the nine regional districts in 2014.
She's faced many challenges during her term, including the doctor shortage and rotating service closures in rural areas.
Last year, she was celebrated for her role in the development of a long-awaited hospice in Kentville, which is currently under construction.
Tracking the process
As the search for her replacement continues, the board is posting updates on a website.
Van Schaayk said it's unclear at this stage if Knox's successor will be named in time for her departure on August 30.
The successful candidate could be employed and there could be a notice period. The person might wish to have time off before assuming new duties.
"So we'll have provisions for interim leadership if we need it," van Schaayk said.