2 teens arrested after school bus lit on fire in Cape Breton
RCMP say several other buses were also damaged

Two 15-year-old boys were arrested and will be charged with arson after a school bus fire in Cape Breton on the weekend.
On Saturday, Victoria County District RCMP responded to a vehicle fire at a school bus garage on Shore Road in Baddeck, N.S.
One of the school buses was completely engulfed in flames and firefighters were working on putting out the fire when RCMP arrived.
Police said the fire was intentionally set.
"Our officers basically believe that the fire was started in the back of the bus and not anywhere near the engine," RCMP Cpl. Chris Marshall said Wednesday. "Obviously, the bus wasn't on at the time and, again, based on the evidence our officers collected, we believe the fire was intentionally set."

Marshall said police were at the bus garage a few hours earlier investigating a break-in and damage to multiple school buses.
"We're operating on the premise that both calls are related. The mischief investigation/break-in investigation from that morning is ongoing at this point, but our investigators do believe that they are related," Marshall said.
One of the youth was arrested on Sunday, the second was arrested the following day.
Marshall said both will be charged with arson. They are both free on conditions and will appear in court at a later date.