Nova Scotia

Rehtaeh Parsons Wikipedia page changes allegedly came from DND IP

The Department of National Defence says it is investigating allegations that someone using a government computer altered a Wikipedia page about Rehtaeh Parsons, possibly violating federal internet usage rules.

Defence Department investigating after some contentious revisions of quote attributed to girl's father

Rehtaeh Parsons Wikipedia page changes attributed to DND IP

10 years ago
Duration 2:56
Defence Department investigates after contentious revisions to quote from Parsons father

The Department of National Defence says it is investigating allegations that someone using a government computer altered a Wikipedia page about Rehtaeh Parsons, possibly violating federal internet usage rules.

Wikipedia's revision history shows that as of Jan. 29, more than a dozen changes were made to its page about the girl's death.

The changes were allegedly made with a computer with an IP address linked to the Defence Department.

Some of the changes are minor updates, but others are contentious revisions that include the altering of one quote attributed to Parsons's father, Glen Canning.

That quote was changed to make it appear as though Canning said his daughter had consensual sex with two boys who were later convicted of child pornography in her case.

Parsons attempted to take her own life at 17 and was later taken off life-support in 2013.

Her parents say she was cyberbullied and was pushed to suicide after a photo of one of the boys having sex with her was passed around her high school.