Consultation required to remove derogatory names from N.S. map could take months
'This whole process, I don't understand why it has taken the amount of time that it is has taken'

It could take several months of consultation before the province considers changing any derogatory place names in the Municipality of Barrington.
Two separate requests have been made to remove Cape Negro, Cape Negro Island, Negro Harbour and Squaw Island from the provincial map. One complaint was made in 2016, the other in 2018.
On Monday, Barrington's municipal council passed a motion calling on the province to speed up the process.
"This whole process, I don't understand why it has taken the amount of time that it is has taken," said Coun. Shaun Hatfield. "It's incumbent on us to deal with this. I would like to see it dealt with in a more expeditious manner."
But in an email to CBC, a spokesperson for the provincial department that includes Geographic Information Services said "engaging the residents of the area is a priority and the next step."
Sue McKeage said the consultation is expected to continue for several months to ensure "all residents have a chance to be heard."
Consultation will include a direct mailout, a website, a survey and virtual meetings.