Millbrook not opposed to Shannon Park stadium proposal
Chief Bob Gloade to meet soon with Maritime Football Ltd.

The Millbrook First Nation is expressing support for a football stadium at Shannon Park along Halifax harbour, providing the project fits in with the band's own development plans for the area.
Maritime Football Ltd. hopes to bring a CFL franchise to the Halifax area along with a 24,000-seat stadium at the former military community in Dartmouth at a cost of $170 million to $190 million.
"It doesn't have any negative impact on our development, what it does is it draws people to the area for a variety of reasons," said Millbrook Chief Bob Gloade.
Gloade said he hasn't yet spoken with anyone from Maritime Football, but a meeting is expected to be held soon.
The stadium proposal is on the agenda for Tuesday's Halifax regional council meeting. Council is expected to direct the chief administrative officer to conduct a business case analysis.
Meanwhile, Millbrook wants to move forward with its own Shannon Park development plan in the next year or so.
Unlike the stadium proposal, which could require funding from multiple levels of government, Gloade said Millbrook's development plan "is strictly ours."
"It's an investment development for Millbrook and doesn't require government funding for it to proceed," he said.