Maple syrup labels replacing numbers with descriptions
'Number one extra light' yielding to 'robust', 'rich' or 'delicate'
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is changing the way maple syrup is marked to give customers a better idea of what they’re getting.
Currently, producers like Acadian Maple Products grade products with numbers
“Canada number one extra light, light, medium; Canada number two amber; and Canada number 3 dark,” says the company’s Brian Allaway.
The numbers mark taste, not quality, but customers often misunderstand that. Allaway hopes the new system will be clearer.
“After a number of years it should eliminate the confusion in the whole maple area, because right now it is very confusing,” he said.
The new standard labels will print the colour and a description of the taste: robust, rich or delicate.
Acadian Maple will adopt the new system within a few months, and others will roll it out over the next two years.
Allaway says about 30 per cent of their business comes from the overseas market, and the new system will streamline exporting.
“We supply all the Starbucks in Switzerland, plus a chain of stores over there. We put a lot into Ireland — we send container loads there.”
The new labelling method should mean those customers can order exactly the flavour they want.