Repeat offender convicted of sex charges on N.S. child
Jason Thomas Fisher convicted of sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching

A 36-year-old Charlottetown man has been convicted of sex crimes against a six-year-old Nova Scotia girl.
Jason Thomas Fisher was convicted of sexual interference and invitation to sexual touching during a hearing Wednesday morning in Halifax. A charge of sexual assault was withdrawn because it was based on the same evidence as the other two charges.
The offences happened in August 2017 in a Dartmouth apartment.
The girl, who is now eight, testified at Fisher's trial. In court, the victim said Fisher told her he had an "itch" and asked her to scratch it, directing her to touch his penis.
Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice John Bodurtha said while there were inconsistencies in the girl's story, her testimony on the key elements of the offences was consistent and believable.
Fisher is to be sentenced in October.
Prior criminal record
In 2007, Fisher was convicted of the same two charges in P.E.I. In that case, the offences were against a four-year-old boy who Fisher was babysitting. Fisher was sentenced to a year in jail on those charges, followed by two years probation.