Here's the aftermath of the 'weather bomb' that struck Nova Scotia
Flooding, storm surges and high winds forced most inside, but a few hardy souls sent us their photos

Although Nova Scotia and much of Atlantic Canada may be at the tail end of a "weather bomb," it's only now that the full extent of the damage has emerged.
Wind gusts snapped trees already weakened by the Christmas Day storm, many taking down power lines as they collapsed. Nova Scotia Power stationed crews in the areas hardest hit over the holidays, but roughly 140,000 customers lost power at the peak of the outages.

Waves and debris from storm surges covered the province's coastal roadways. It made for treacherous driving conditions near the surfer's haven of Lawrencetown Beach as well as along the South Shore.
Conrads Road looked more like a rubble pile Friday morning after getting washed out near Queensland Beach.

The highest winds travelled along Nova Scotia's coastline, churning the Atlantic Ocean around Peggys Cove and its iconic lighthouse. At their peak, wind gusts hit around 170 km/h.

The downtown streets of Liverpool, meanwhile, flooded due to the combination of heavy rain and storm surges.

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