Halifax election paper ballot advance polls open Saturday
Across the province, 20 municipalities are offering internet or telephone options to voters

People in Halifax who still like to vote the old-fashioned way have the chance to do so Saturday at advance polling stations.
Saturday is the first of two in-person advance polling dates for the municipal, Halifax Regional School Board and Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial elections. A second advance poll will be held on Tuesday.
Advance polling has been underway for a few days for 20 municipalities across the province that are offering internet and telephone options to voters.
Because of electronic voting, fewer municipalities are opting to hold paper ballot advance polls.
Polls are open from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. To find out where to vote HRM, visit the Halifax Regional Municipality website.
To find out if and where an advance poll is being held in your electoral district, check your voter information card.