Much of Nova Scotia sees a 5 cent a litre hike in gas prices
Gas is now selling for a minimum of 95.5 cents per litre in the Halifax area

Gasoline prices have jumped up about five cents a litre overnight, while diesel prices have increased by about three cents a litre throughout much of the province.
The minimum cost of gas in the Halifax area is now 95.5 cents per litre with a a maximum selling price of 97.7. Diesel is selling for between 88.3 - 90.4 cents per litre.
The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board (UARB) sets the prices for petroleum products in the province.
It said the increase in fuel prices is the result of changes in the New York Mercantile Exchange's market prices for gasoline and ultra-low-sulfeur diseal combined with changes in the value of the Canadian dollar.
The dollar dipped earlier this week to 73 cents US.
In Kings, Lunenburg, and part of Annapolis County the gas is now selling from between 96.1 - 98.3 cents per litre. While diesel is selling for 88.8 - 91.0 cents per litre.
In the southwest part of the province people in Yarmouth, Shelburne, Queens, Digby, and part of Annapolis will pay between 96.5 - 98.7 for gasoline. Diesel will cost 89.3 - 91.5 cents per litre.
Cumberland County is facing gas prices ranging from 96.6 - 98.8 cents per litre, diesel will range from 89.4 - 91.6.
Colechester, Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough counties will pay between 96.6 -98.8 cents a litre for gas, and 89.4-91.6 for diesel.
While Cape Breton is looking at a minium of 97.7 cents a litre for gas, maxing out at 99.6 cents per litre. Diesel on the island is selling for between 90.2 - 92.4 cents a litre.