Nova Scotia

Enfield residents to ask MP to stop airport development

Residents in the community of Enfield will appeal to Nova Scotia MP Scott Brison at public meeting on Friday to try to stop a proposed small airport and runway development from being built near their homes.

Residents in the community of Enfield will appeal to Nova Scotia MP Scott Brison at public meeting on Friday to try to stop a proposed small airport from being built near their homes.

Herb Ripley, an Enfield resident who led a group in a fight against the development last summer, said Wednesday the residents are upset that the project appears to be going ahead despite their efforts. Excavators have already appeared on the property.

"The proposed runway is actually going to be too close to habitation," Ripley said.

Vision Air Services, a helicopter company, is behind the aerodrome development, whichwould include an aircraft hangar and a runway.

The Municipality of East Hants, which includes Enfield,refused to grant a development permit to the company last September, but that move had no effect.

John Patterson, the warden of the municipality, said Transport Canada informed him that no municipal government can supercede the regulations of the Aeronautics Act, under which the development is allowed to proceed.

"We've been told that we have no authority and no jurisdiction," he said.

Ripley said the residents are worried about noise pollution from the airport and they think the development will lower their property values.

"I find it very confusing and very upsetting where a process can take place where basically the local community's say has been taken away from us," he said.

Maurice Landry, spokesperson for Transport Canada, said the developer does not need a local permit and is not required to ask permission from the federal government to build the aerodrome.

"Within the current legal framework based on legal precedents, it's unlikely that Transport Canada could prevent the development of an aerodrome," he said.

The public meeting with Brison, MP for Kings-Hants,is scheduled for Friday at 4 p.m.