6 doctors in Nova Scotia working to attract more physicians to province
'I like to tell them how great it is to work here,' says Dr. Janneke Gradstein

Six doctors in Nova Scotia have been tasked with recruiting more physicians to practise in the province.
A news release from the Department of Health and Wellness says the doctors will participate in site visits and meet potential candidates to share their experiences of what it's like to work here.
"I like to tell them how great it is to work here," Dr. Janneke Gradstein, one of the recruiting doctors, told CBC News during an interview on Friday.
"We're close to nature, we're also close to bigger cities. In addition, the ability to work to a broad scope of practice when you're in community areas is a big sell for young physicians.
"And I love to talk about the ability to balance your work with lots of great outdoor activities, the ocean kayaking, hiking — all those great things."
Gradstein said a lot of young doctors "give up their 20s because they're passionate about serving a community and serving a population."
"So hearing from the people … what it actually looks like in each particular place and how you might be able to benefit that particular area is what the doctors are really looking for," she said. "I think that's what we bring to the pitch."
Gradstein said one of the biggest challenges to recruitment is a concern there won't be enough people to provide good care. She said the goal is to make sure everyone in the province has a family doctor.
The province said recruiting more doctors and other health professionals is part of its plan to improve health care in Nova Scotia.
Last week, it announced a community fund that will provide up to $100,000 to community groups and municipalities for projects to help recruit and retain health-care professionals.