Planners want public feedback about downtown Dartmouth projects
Work includes intersection realignment and bridge over daylighted river

Halifax municipal planners want public feedback on part of a major construction project for downtown Dartmouth.
The work includes realigning the busy intersection of Prince Albert Road and Portland Street.
It also involves an extension of nearby Dundas Street across Alderney Drive, including the construction of a bridge over a section of the Sawmill River that currently runs through a pipe but which will be daylighted.
Planners want to know what route the pedestrian pathway should take.
"They're calling it Canal Walk,'' said Coun. Sam Austin. "And it could go under the bridge, close to the water, or it could up at grade of the bridge."
Austin said there could be security issues with a path that goes under the bridge.
Municipal planners also want to know what people think of the design proposals for the bridge itself.
"Should it be more of a traditional style, or a little bit more modern?" said Austin.
If the project gets budget approval, work on the Dundas Street Bridge would begin next year. Once it is completed it would act as the detour route for when the realignment of Prince Albert Road and Portland Street takes place.
The Sawmill River flows from Sullivans Pond to Dartmouth Cove. The first section was brought up to the surface in 2017 and involved digging up part of Ochterloney Street.
People can give feedback about the project online.