#CBCGreatestGift asks, what's the best present you've received?
CBC Maritimes is collecting your stories

Market researchers tell us the average Canadian will spend hundreds on gifts and entertaining this holiday season. The malls are full, credit cards melting under the weight of all that seasonal cheer as we search for the best deal and the perfect gift.
The best presents are unexpected. They catch the recipient off guard. And if you're really lucky, the result is a big smile. Maybe even tears and a hug. How did you know?
We know the greatest gifts take the most thought and planning. But they don't have to break the bank. Some would argue the very greatest gifts — love, time, music, art — don’t have to cost anything at all.
Consider the teacher in Saskatchewan who had students write letters to their future selves. After 20 years, he tracked them all down and mailed the letters back to them.
"I was just feeling honoured and grateful," said one of the adult former students after receiving his letter.
And what about the magic that happened last year in Prince Edward Island? A man put out a call on Facebook for Christmas cards for his elderly parents, whose health was failing. An avalanche of 17,000 cards arrived. A staggering display of the kindness of strangers from all over the world.
"It made her smile," said Mark Enman of his mother. "That's what this was all about. To bring my parents a smile for a holiday when they haven't had one for a long time."
Now we're looking for your stories and pictures. What's the greatest gift you've ever given? What's the greatest gift you've ever received? Make us smile. Bonus points if you can make us cry a little.
Here's how you can contribute:
- Send your story to cbcns@cbc.ca with CBC Greatest Gift as the subject line.
- Instagram or Tweet us a photo using #CBCGreatestGift
- Add a few lines to our Facebook Page.
- Record a video and send us a YouTube link.
We’ll put it all together in a package that will live online. Our gift to you, to share with the people you love.