Basement flooding tips after Nova Scotia downpour
The storm that brought torrential rain to Nova Scotia is passing the region, but it leaves flooded basements in its wake.
Well water may become contaminated with bacteria that could make you sick
The storm that brought torrential rain to Nova Scotia is passing the region, but it leaves flooded basements in its wake.
If your home is flooded the province asks you:
- Turn the basement furnace off and shut off outside gas valves.
- Turn off electrical power, unless your main power box is not in a dry location. If so contact Nova Scotia Power at (902) 428-6004 or 1-877-428-6004.
- Do not stand or wade in water where contact has been made with electrical equipment.
- After a flood, well water may become contaminated with bacteria that could make you sick. Get your water tested.
- If drinking water is contaminated, purify by boiling, using purification tablets or chlorinate with a bleaching compound.
The Insurance Brokers Association of Nova Scotia suggests contacting your broker and:
- Creating a list of all damaged and destroyed items.
- Gathering receipts or warranties for the damaged items if possible.
- Taking photos of the damage and during the cleanup. If you have photos from before the flood, dig those out too.
- Keep receipts for any alternate living arrangements and for repairs.