Sis'moqon is a Mi'kmaw woman from Ugpi'ganjig First Nation. She is a reporter with CBC Indigenous. She currently resides in Kjipuktuk, also known as Halifax. You can email her at sis.moqon@cbc.ca with story ideas.
Latest from Sis'moqon

Without funding, Listuguj's only shelter will close. What happens next?
The impending closure of a shelter in the Mi'kmaw community of Listuguj leaves few options for people in south-eastern Quebec and northern New Brunswick.
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Midwinter gathering highlights authentic Mi'kmaw songs and dance
A Midwinter gathering in Millbrook First Nation brought together Mi'kmaw elders, knowledge keepers and community members from across the Atlantic provinces.
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Exhibit at Halifax gallery explores the meaning and evolution of Mi'kmaw regalia
Amalkewinu'k (The Dancers) features contemporary photographs of dancers in ko'jua regalia alongside archival photos of traditional dancers.
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Mi'kmaw elder's memoir chronicles 55 years of service in Elsipogtog First Nation
Claudia Simon has written a memoir after 55 years working in her community while raising her family. As director of health, she guided Elsipogtog through a difficult crisis that reshaped the community's health-care services.
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Players heartbroken as Team Atlantic bows out of National Aboriginal Hockey Tournament
The team from Atlantic Canada has withdrawn from this year's National Aboriginal Hockey Championships in Kamloops, B.C., to the disappointment of players and their families.
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Atlantic Indigenous artists get help to attend Santa Fe art market
Indigenous artists in Atlantic Canada have an opportunity to expand their export markets by showcasing their work at the Santa Fe Indian Market, North America's largest Indigenous art market, with help from the Craft Alliance Atlantic Association.
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Mi'kmaw communities launch gaming venture with purchase of 4 Alberta casinos
Five Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw communities, four in the mainland, one on Cape Breton, have come together to form Indigenous Gaming Partners. The group has bought four casinos in Edmonton, Calgary and Lethbridge.
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Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami call for resolution to Canada Post strike
With the Canada Post strike in its fourth week, Inuit communities are 'effectively cut off,' says Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Natan Obed.
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Ceremony honours Mi'kmaw community lost in the Halifax Explosion
Every year on Dec. 6, filmmaker Catherine Martin holds a gathering on the Dartmouth shore of Halifax Harbour to honour her ancestors on land that was once the Mi'kmaw community of Kepe'kek, or the Narrows, also called Turtle Grove.
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Cultural exchange between 2 nations brings round dances to Mi'kma'ki
The Mi'kmaw communities of Paqtnkek and Sipekne'katik in Nova Scotia are continuing a cross-cultural exchange with Northern Cree, a powwow and round dance group from Alberta.
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