Norma Jean MacPhee
From people around the corner to those around the world, Norma Jean MacPhee has more than a decade of experience telling their stories on the radio, TV and online. Reach Norma Jean at norma.jean.macphee@cbc.ca
Latest from Norma Jean MacPhee
'You can still do things': Chair yoga class in Cape Breton inspires teacher and students
Chair yoga has transformed the life of a woman living with multiple sclerosis in Cape Breton. She has given the gift of mobility to her students.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Residents leave Richmond County council meeting without answers
Residents were refused the chance Tuesday night to ask about the decision to fire CAO Kent MacIntyre, or about details surrounding a controversial sundry account linked to the dismissal.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Richmond County councillors may have broken law, says prof
A political science professor at Cape Breton University says some Richmond County councillors may have violated the Municipal Government Act with their actions surrounding the dismissal of the county CAO and the appointment of his replacement.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Richmond County reacts to resignation of warden following firing of CAO
Residents of Richmond County don't appear to be happy about Warden Jason MacLean's decision to step down at a council committee of the whole Monday evening.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
'You're strong enough': Victim of domestic violence encourages others to speak out
A Sydney woman is sharing her experience with domestic violence in the hopes of encouraging others to speak out.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Rejuvenating the pictorial roots of the Mi'kmaw language
An Aboriginal woman from We'koqmaq First Nation is launching the first book of poetry written in the heiroglyphic form of the Mi'kmaw language.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Preliminary hearing wraps up into teen's death on Nova Scotia highway
Hayden Laffin, 21, will have to wait until June 12 to find out if he will be tried in the June 2018 death of 17-year-old Joneil Hanna.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Inverness County backs Northern Pulp's bid to extend deadline
Inverness County council will be urging Premier Stephen McNeil to accept Northern Pulp's request for a one-year extension to construct its new treatment facility.
Canada -Nova Scotia |

Saltwire newspaper publisher to sell 10 buildings in Atlantic Canada
The affected properties, currently owned by Saltwire Network, are located in Nova Scotia, P.E.I., and Newfoundland.
Canada -Nova Scotia |
Vatican sex abuse summit felt like another violation, says N.S. survivor
The summit held recently Rome did little to heal past wounds, says survivor Rob Bowden.
Canada -Nova Scotia |